I am a progressive liberal because I was taught to have compassion...

"A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs, who, however, has never learned to walk forward.
A liberal is a man who uses his legs and his hands at the behest ... of his head." - Franklin D Roosevelt

Friday, March 2, 2012

List Of Rush Limbaugh's Sponsors - Let Them Know You're Unhappy About His Inappropriate Comments About Sandra Fluke

Rush Limbaugh and the "right" strike again.  And by "strike", I mean "striking out" (double entendre)...and by striking out, I'm not just referring to the baseball term.  Rush is "Striking out" (referring to lashing out against women - triple entendre!).  

I want to make it easy for you to tell his show's sponsors just how you feel about his comments directed toward Sandra Fluke...so this blog post will have a list of his sponsors, contact info, and links (web and/or Facebook) where provided.

(image is licensed under Wikimedia Creative Commons license)

Please share the following important information...

First, if you're unfamiliar with Rush's comments, watch the video of his show if you can stomach it (although, I wouldn't recommend it!)

(get a tic-tac or rinse that bile taste out your mouth, and we'll continue) 
On to the list of sponsors of the Rush Limbaugh Sow Show (thanks to the Daily Kos for providing the list):

 (company claims they do not advertise on the Rush Limbaugh Show)
  • Life Quotes (800) 670-5433 
 (company claims they do not advertise on the Rush Limbaugh Show)
 (company claims to not be an advertiser on the Rush Limbaugh show)
 (company claims they do not advertise on the Rush Limbaugh Show)
 (company claims they do not advertise on the Rush Limbaugh Show)
(company claims they have PULLED their advertising from the Rush Limbaugh Show)

Some of these companies that claim they do not advertise on Rush's show may not be actively placing ad buys, but may be advertising as part of a barter advertising system.  If you do indeed hear any of these advertisers on his show, you are encouraged to let them know, and to respond to let us at ProgressivePeorian.Blogspot.com know too!

In closing:

Why am I not surprised by either comment?

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